Training for Higher Education Administrators in Ukraine (THEA Ukraine)

THEA Ukraine is a Professional Development Programme for Ukrainian Higher Education Administrators in the field of Internationalisation in Higher Education and Science Management. It combines training elements with consultation for organisational development projects.

The programme qualifies participants (Higher Education Managers, Heads of International Offices and others in charge of internationalisation) to foster the international orientation of their home institutions.

Strategic planning, project and process management as well as change management for internationalisation will be skills to be developed in the course of the programme. Apart from that, THEA Ukraine aims at fostering a fruitful exchange between German and Ukrainian Scientists and Administrators and at establishing sustainable regional networks in Ukraine.

Participants will apply with a development project, which they would like to thoroughly plan and promote in their home institutions during the course of THEA Ukraine. The implementation can start during the course of the training and continue after THEA. All workshops, but especially the online-coaching phases, will guide the process of project implementation in the participants' home institutions. Two cohorts of a limited number of participants will have the opportunity to take part in the programme. For each cohort, THEA Ukraine will comprise three training workshops in Münster, Germany, and two online coaching phases. Participants will receive a certificate of FH Münster. Their achievements in the bounds of THEA Ukraine will be documented by 8 ECTS credits and may thus be recognised for respective study programmes.



Dipl.-Foto-Des. Petra Pistor M.A.

Johann-Krane-Weg 21
48149 Münster
Tel: 0251 83-64129



  • Prof. Dr. phil. Annika Boentert
  • Vanessa Müller M.Sc.
  • Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Frank Dellmann
  • Evelyn Stocker M.A.


seit 01.10.2019



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