"The Art of Loving Yourself: A Journey to Body Positivity and Confidence"

5. Juni 2023 -  6. Juni 2023

Zum Thema

Body positivity is a growing movement that promotes self-love, self-acceptance, and a positive relationship with one's body, regardless of size, shape, or appearance. This is a particularly important issue for children, who are often exposed to unrealistic beauty standards through media, peer pressure, and societal norms. As a result, many children struggle with body image issues, which can lead to a lifetime of poor self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.

That's why it's crucial to promote body positivity in children and help them develop a positive relationship with their bodies. By fostering self-love, self-acceptance, and body confidence, we can empower children to embrace their uniqueness, overcome negative body image, and lead fulfilling, happy lives.

This workshop aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills they need to promote body positivity in children. Through a combination of lectures, interactive activities, and individual reflection, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles of body positivity, the negative effects of body-shaming, and the best practices for promoting body positivity in children, schools, and the media.

 Whether you're a parent, teacher, or professional, this workshop will equip you with the tools and strategies you need to promote body positivity and help children develop a positive relationship with their bodies.


  • Introduction to Body Positivity: Participants will learn about the history and principles of body positivity and the importance of promoting body positivity in children.
  • Understanding Body Image: Participants will explore the development of body image in children and the impact of media and societal norms on body image.
  • The Negative Effects of Body-shaming: Participants will learn about the negative effects of body-shaming, including low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression, and the importance of preventing body-shaming in children.
  • Promoting Body Positivity in Children: Participants will learn about the importance of promoting body positivity in children and will discover strategies for teaching children to love and accept their bodies.
  • Body Positivity and Parenting: Participants will learn about the role of parents in promoting body positivity in children and will participate in a discussion on the challenges and best practices of parenting for body positivity.
  • Body Positivity and Education: Participants will learn about the role of schools and teachers in promoting body positivity in children, and will participate in a discussion on the challenges and best practices of education for body positivity.
  • Body Positivity and the Media: Participants will learn about the impact of the media on body image and will participate in a discussion on the challenges and best practices of media literacy for body positivity.
  • Self-Care for Body Positivity: Participants will learn about self-care for body positivity and will participate in a workshop on self-care practices for body positivity.
  • Empowering Children for Body Positivity: Participants will learn about the importance of empowering children for body positivity and will participate in a workshop on empowering children for body positivity.
  • Wrapping Up: Participants will review the key takeaways from the workshop and will discuss ways to continue promoting body positivity in children.

Alumni, parents, teachers, health educators and professional

Rahmendaten der Veranstaltung
Veranstalter:Oecotropologie Department
Veranstaltungsart:Blended learning (English)
Teilnahmehinweise:Download der Teilnahmehinweise
AnsprechpartnerInnen, DozentInnen, ReferentInnen und Seminarleitung

  • Sarah Husain, Dipl.-PPHC./Dipl.-PGDD., B.Ed., M.Sc. (Food and Nutrition)
  • Fachhochschulzentrum (FHZ)
    Corrensstraße 25
    48149 Münster
  • Raum: D 331 (day 1) and C 212 (day 2)
Termin(e), Uhrzeiten

Continuing education workshop
5. Juni 202310:00 - 17:00 Uhr
6. Juni 202310:00 - 17:00 Uhr


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