Am Fachbereich für Kunst und Design an der kanadischen Universität Alberta lehrt Aidan Rowe seit 2007 Design-Theorie, Design-Forschung und Design-Praxis. Dabei zählen die Bereiche (i)Visualisierung von Informationen, (ii) kuratorische Praxis und (iii) Ausbildung von Designern zu seinen Interessenschwerpunkten.

Aidan Rowe besitzt einen "Master of Arts in Hypermedia Arts" (University of Westminster, London, UK, 2001) und einen "Master of Research in Design" (Goldsmiths College, London, UK, 2007). Er hat Lehrerfahrung an zahlreichen Hochschulen wie der University for the Creative Arts in Epsom (UK), der University of the Arts in London (UK) und der University of Westminster. Neben seinen Tätigkeiten in der Lehre ist Rowe als Grafikdesigner aktiv.

Lehrveranstaltung am Fachbereich Design (Wintersemester 2013/14):

Currently a majority of designers are approached by industry to solve any of a number of pre-determined design problems. Designers are sought out, for example, to create graphics, devices, systems and spaces, what is often lost though is a consideration of the social worth of their personal contributions. Designers must take on a more active and responsible role in society, in the words of Jorge Frascara, "It is not sustainable to continue just reacting to clients' requests for design interventions. It is necessary to consider the discovery and definition of physical and cultural problems as an essential part of design."
In this course you will reposition design to begin at the deliberate identification of problems, followed by intentional problem-solving. You will engage in an exploratory process of questioning, rather than answering. In doing so you will challenge existing realms of power becoming, as a designer, a critical force. 

Vertr.-Prof. Aidan Rowe M.A.
Leonardo-Campus 6
48149 Münster
Raum: OG 121
Tel: 0251 83-65363

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