For international students: Time management
15. November 2024Zum Thema
In this workshop international students will be given the opportunity to learn about successful time management and tools which help to cope with stress. This can help you throughout your studies to build a healthy study-life-balance and also to get a real understanding of the workload you can deal with in one semester (or not).
The workshop will cover the following topics:
- Understanding different concepts of time
- Understanding the importance of time management in academic success
- Learning about academic workload in Germany
- Identifying personal semester workload
- Potential consequences of excessive studying and coping strategies
- Techniques for managing stress and avoiding burnout
- Creating a (weekly) study schedule that balances academic and personal life
- Tools for effective time management
At the end, we want you to go home with a personalized time management plan and setting individual goals for the semester. You will also have learned about where you can find additional support and help on campus regarding time management.
International students of FH Münster in all semesters and from all degree programs.
The language of the workshop will be English.
Rahmendaten der Veranstaltung | |
Veranstalter: | International Office |
Veranstaltungsart: | Workshop |
Veranstaltungs-Nr.: | 241115io1 |
Unterrichtsstunden: | 10 |
TeilnehmerInnenzahl: | 15 |
AnsprechpartnerInnen, DozentInnen, ReferentInnen und Seminarleitung
- Laura Paul M.A.
- Fachhochschulzentrum (FHZ)
Corrensstraße 25
48149 Münster - Raum: D 331
Termin(e), Uhrzeiten | |
15. November 2024 | 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr |
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