Working in Germany: Get an overview of job search, application and legal aspects (PRESENCE in ST)

3. Juni 2024

Zum Thema

You are an international student and need to do an internship, you search for a side-job or you want to do your thesis in a German company? Or you will finish your studies soon and search full-time-employment?

In this event, you will get important information you need to enter the German labour market.


Starting on your individual profile, you will get ideas how to target your job search by getting to know job portals and activities to meet potential employers. You learn to understand application rules and get an overview about general conditions and legal aspects.

  • Reflecting qualification and motivation
  • Searching for job postings and employers
  • Creating application documents
  • Preparing job interviews
  • Legal aspects (work permits, contract, taxes and social security payment)

  • International students at FH Münster


Please register online using your FH-eMail-address.

You would like to participate but the workshop is fully booked?
Please register anyway. You will be on the waiting list and move up if someone cancels.

You would like to participate but registration period is already over?
Please email to careerservice@fh-muenster.de to check for possibilities.


You have signed up but you can't participate? You need to cancel your participation with an email to pluspunkt@fh-muenster.de. Otherwise, you can be banned from all PLUSPUNKT events for 6 months! Please find all information here.


For this event you can get 2 points for the PLUSPUNKT certificate. Here you can find more information on the certificate. Beside the PLUSPUNKT-certificate, the workshop can be counted as an activity within the International Talent Journey to receive the Career Certificate.

Conditions of participation

By registering, you declare that you agree to the PLUSPUNKT conditions of participation.
Terms and conditions for participating in the Pluspunkt programme

Rahmendaten der Veranstaltung
Veranstalter:Career Service
AnsprechpartnerInnen, DozentInnen, ReferentInnen und Seminarleitung

  • Anna Hölscher M.A., Koordinatorin Career Service, Tel. 0251/83 64 035, E-Mail: careerservice@fh-muenster.de
  • Dipl.-Soz.Päd. Nadine Pantel, International Office, E-Mail: nadine.pantel@fh-muenster.de
  • Dipl.-Soz.Päd. Nadine Pantel
  • Campus Steinfurt
    Stegerwaldstraße 39
    48565 Steinfurt
  • Raum: Raum N 202
Termin(e), Uhrzeiten

Working in Germany: Get an overview of job search, application and legal aspects
3. Juni 202415:00 - 17:00 Uhr

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