This project, entitled the European Automotive Digital Innovation Studio (EADIS), will use a virtual work environment to train and develop professional designers in the automotive industry in the impact and application of ‘vehicle telematics' so that they may integrate new technologies into future products within the automotive industry.

Leonardo da Vinci is an European Community programme which aims to support national training strategies through funding a range of transnational partnership projects aimed at improving quality, fostering innovation and promoting the European dimension in vocational training. The programme promotes transnational projects based on co-operation between the various players in vocational training - training bodies, vocational schools, universities, businesses, chambers of commerce, etc. - in an effort to increase mobility, to foster innovation and to improve the quality of training. The Leonardo da Vinci programme aims at helping people improve their skills throughout their lives.

"The European automotive industry is losing competitiveness as challengers from lower-cost economies have increased their share of world automotive markets" (CLEPA, European Association of automotive supplier's White paper 2005) .
A European solution is required to this problem. EADIS will therefore develop training and infrastructure to enable European companies to operate more innovatively and efficiently. An Advisory panel made up of industry representatives has been set up to evaluate the project.




Prof. Dr. Gernot Bauer
Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik
Engelstraße 52
48143 Münster
Tel: 0251 83-62540



  • Jonas Hülsermann B.Sc.
  • Morin Ostkamp M.Sc.


vom 01.12.2007 bis 01.11.2009


  • Coventry University (UK)
  • Oulu University (FI)
  • Politecnico di Torino (IT)
  • TU Delft (NL)


  • durch die Europäische Union im Rahmen des Förderprogrammes Leonardo da Vinci (UK/07/LLP-LDV/TOI-016)
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