Navigating the Learning Landscape: Understanding Academic Culture in Germany

Termin speichern
Datum: Dienstag, 8. April 2025
Zeit: 15:45 - 17:45
  • Campus Steinfurt
    Stegerwaldstraße 39
    48565 Steinfurt
  • Raum: A 111
Kontakt: Laura Paul M.A. (laura.paulfh-muensterde)
Kategorien: Aktuelles für Studierende, Career Service, Terminkalender FH

Embark on a journey to seamlessly integrate into the academic culture of Germany with our engaging and interactive workshop series!

Are you an international student eager to better understand the educational environment of your host country? Join us for a comprehensive workshop series designed specifically for international students. Over four weeks, we'll dive into various facets of the German academic culture in a welcoming and collaborative setting. Each session will feature tailored thematic inputs, guided by your own interests and needs.

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