Mahima, we would like to say, that we are very happy to have you here at the MSA. Could you tell us, where you are from and why you are here in Germany?
I'm Mahima Herath from Sri Lanka and I'm an undergraduate student from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Currently I'm studying in Level 4 (4th Year) in my University and I was selected from my university for the scholarship to study in Münster School of Architecture which was conducted by Archt. Professor, Jürgen Reichardt.
On behalf of the university of Moratuwa , this scholarship programme is conducting by Archt. Dr. Upendra Rajpaksha. I am really thankful for them to give me this golden opportunity and this was a good exposure for me to learn architecture.
Have you been able to join any course or have you been able to attend some lectures? What do you keep in mind when you think of the MSA?
Yes, I have studied in Master class students and involved in a design project which was an e-scooter factory. At the same time, I have attended to other lectures and workshops with second semester students. The whole programme gave me a chance to think differently in design approach which is respond to the cultural and climatic difference between Europe and Asia. Usage of advanced technology and construction method will really helpful for my future career.
Is it your first time here in Europe? We could imagine, that Münster could be quite a big difference to your home town. But have you been able to see something more than just Münster?
Yes, this is my first time here in Europe. According to all other Asian countries that I have travelled so far, I found different characteristics here in Europe and Münster is a very beautiful city which is full of nature and with a favourable environment. Except to Münster I have been to Cologne and some other cities which are near to Münster. I have been to Copenhagen with a group of second semester students. While I got free time I went to Paris, Amsterdam and Rotterdam. I have collected unforgettable memories from this whole tour.
You were able to organise an event, in honour of the Sri Lankan New Year here at the Leonardo-Campus. Did you try to tell the attending students about your cultural heritage and how did they react?
It was a great pleasure to organize a Sri Lankan New Year festival in Leonardo Campus respective to the Sri Lankan New Year. Students in MSA supported me very much to make this event very successful. My main intention was to give them an opportunity to explore the Sri Lankan culture where as give them an idea of our tradition. All the participants had a wonderful time which it helped us to exchange our cultural aspects through the interaction and we had an exposure to each cultures.
What is your conclusion of the trip? What would you tell your friends and family, when you will be home again, in a couple of days?
During the time I spent in Münster, I was able to visit so many places including other places outside the Germany. The whole tour developed my knowledge in architecture and support to improve the thinking pattern differently where it would really helpful for me to use this knowledge in my future works. I would like to share the experience that I have took from the academic work and other activities among my family members and friends.
Would you recommend your fellow students to stay for a semester abroad in Germany, maybe even in Münster?
Definitely I will recommend Münster School of Architecture because this is a golden opportunity for anyone who would like to get the experience and knowledge for their career. As an asian student, this would help us to go beyond the traditional knowledge what we are used to comparing to the European advance technology. I would like to thankful for everyone who supported to me whenever I need their help in this short period.