Scope of the lecture

Fluid mechanics is a science which uses basic principles of mechanics and thermodynamics to describe the movement of fluids. Moreover, fluid mechanics does not settle for describing the principles of fluid flow motion, but seeks to find solutions to flow problems which are defined by initial and boundary conditions. One of the methods available is CFD analysis (Computational Fluid Dynamics) which uses numerical methods of applied mathematics for flow simulations on computers and computer clusters. These lead to (approximate) solutions to the basic equations of fluid mechanics.

The lecture will teach the following sections:

  • Mathematical and physical basics
  • Basic equations of Fluid Mechanics
  • Numerical Solutions
  • Theory of a fluid element
  • Incompressible flows
  • Time dependent flows
  • Turbulent flows with turbulence modelling
  • Flows with heat transfer
  • Multiphase flows

The lecture divides into a lecture and exercise part (3 SWS) as well as a practical course in using a commercial simulation tool (ANSYS CFX) for solving certain flow problems in groups of two students (3 SWS).


Elective model/ Wahlpflichtfach: Credit Points: 6 LP

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