About the Journal
Aims & Scope of the German Journal of Paramedic Science
The aim of the GJoPS is to make the findings of national and international paramedic science freely available to the research and practical application. The focus is cross-professional and includes all actors and institutions involved in (emergency) rescue services (e.g. control centres, and hospitals).
The GJoPS publishes paramedic science research findings in order to directly and indirectly develop evidence-based emergency service patient care. To this end, paramedic science articles are published in the following categories: Urgent and Emergency Care, Care Research, Education, System & Organisation, Management & Leadership, Scientific Theory, and Professionalisation. GJoPS articles are characterised by focussing on professional reflection, application, and action. All work that can be assigned to the above GJoPS categories can be submitted, regardless of the research discipline involved.
The use of qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method approaches is equally acceptable as the generation of knowledge from literature and reviews. Depending on the category, the GJoPS publishes original papers, reviews, conceptual articles, practical reflections, and short communications. Submissions can be made in German or English. When submitting, the journal's author guidelines must be observed.
All submitted manuscripts generally undergo an independent, double-blind peer review process. The work is reviewed by at least two independent experts and provided with collegial feedback aimed at improvement.
The GJoPS is published by the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rettungswissenschaften e. V. with technical support from the library of FH Münster.
Open Access Policy of the GJoPS
The GJoPS aims to make current knowledge and scientific findings freely available to everyone. The authors of our contributions remain the owners of the rights, and publication is under a Creative Commons licence.
Frequency of publication
Contributions from one calendar year are summarised in one issue of the GJoPS. Contributions are published immediately after they have been accepted and edited in order to avoid unnecessary delays.
Publication fees
The GJoPS does not charge publication fees. GJoPS expenses are borne by the FH Münster and the DGRe e. V.